Keller Williams Greater Seattle, Ben Kakimoto, Seattle Condo Agent

Intracorp seeking to unload another property

Just a couple of weeks ago we reported that Intracorp was seeking approval to revise its 1915 Second project, increasing its height from 240 ft to 400 ft. Now, Intracorp has put the property up for sale per this listing on the Moran and Co. website.

In reading the listing description one passage is revealing, notably, the part where the 1915 parcel could be combined with the 1931 Second Ave lot. According to the Daily Journal of Commerce, who first reported this story, it was news to the people behind the 1931 project (Columbia West and The Justen Company):

“That’s unbelievable,” [Justen’s Marty] Goodman said of the listing. “We’ve had discussions with them (Intracorp). We haven’t had discussions with them about listing our property as a potential assemblage.”

Update: Interesting…the Intracorp’s interactive Domain Condo website has been replaced with a “priority registration” page. Intracorp previously listed this property for sale as apartments on the Moran and Co. website.

Update 8/13: I’ve been trying to obtain confirmation on the status of Domaine to no avail…seems Intracorp is keeping mum. I wouldn’t be surprised if Domaine joins Expo62 (Axis) and Moda given they’ve closed their sales office, removed signage, dummy downed the website and are media shy (not me…the DJC and PI).

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There Are 2 Brilliant Comments

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  1. jcricket says:

    Re: Domaine

    I’m surprised anyone ever got financing for luxury-level condos/townhomes right along Aurora. I know they have good views of Lake Union, but the prices were just crazy talk.

  2. I wouldn’t be suprised if more developers start trying to unload postions and sell properties. In Tucson Arizona builders/developers are buying nothing and trying to dump what they have completed but few are buying…..

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