Keller Williams Greater Seattle, Ben Kakimoto, Seattle Condo Agent

FHA Condo Approvals Set to Expire Soon

By on October 26, 2010 in Feature, Mortgage, Real Estate with 5 Comments

Back in November 2009 when HUD issued new guidelines for FHA condo mortgages, one of the items that many people hadn’t taken much notice about was the recertification provision. Under the new guidelines condos must be re-certified every two years for HUD/FHA approval. Condos that were approved prior to implementation of the new guidelines were given a transition period to obtain recertification…the expiration of the transition period is now fast approaching.

Condominiums that obtained FHA approval prior to October 1, 2008 will need to be recertified by December 7, 2010 or they will lose their FHA approval status.

Fortunately, recertification can be a relatively simple procedure through either FHA’s HRAP or DELRAP approval processes. HRAP approval is done directly with HUD and can take up to 6 weeks; DELRAP is through a direct endorsement lender and can be completed within a week or two, provided the condo conforms to FHA guidelines.

If you own a unit in a condo building that obtained FHA approval prior to October 1, 2008, time is of the essence to secure recertification for your condo building. Losing FHA approval will make your condo less attractive to buyers as FHA mortgages have become increasingly popular option for buyers over the past few years.

The Seattle Condo Blog’s mortgage associates can help you with the recertification process. Mortgage Loan Officer, Dan Keller, outlines and provides important links in his FHA recertification process posting.

Find FHA approved condos:

Update 1/6/2011: For a number of properties (not all) FHA has extended the expiration for six months.

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  1. FHA Approvals — seattle condos | October 26, 2010
  1. Dan Keller says:

    Hey Ben,
    Great post! Tons of change and new information for us to take in…Thank you for the link back!

  2. Ben,

    I love your in depth explanation here about the upcoming changes. It’s really easy to just write a post with so much less detail. You’ve gone over and above and actually laid out the steps on how to comply. I’m impressed well actually all the bloggers here are extremely insightful so it seems like you guys are on the cutting edge of providing huge value to your clients. Keep up the great work

  3. @Dan, have you looked into 2200 Westlake? Financing there is a mess. With an FHA approval, there will be plenty of homeowners that will thank you!

  4. Ben, sounds like you probably know more about condo financing than many loan officers I know. I wish more agents were aware of condo financing conditions like you. Great info and I really like your blog…..very impressive.

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