Tag: Heron Pagoda
Weekly wrap-up

Heron / Pagoda Towers fate is sealed, Ashworth Cottages is nearly sold out, European Towers resurfaces and Marselle sales are going well.
Heron and Pagoda Towers project close to foreclosure

The Seattle Times reported that the proposed mega twin-tower project, Heron and Pagoda Towers, at 5th Avenue and Stewart is in trouble with the possibility the property will be foreclosed.
Heron Pagoda On Hold
The Heron Pagoda development at 5th and Stewart has been delayed, according to the DJC today, becoming the latest project to be put on hold due to the housing market and the economy. It joins the other major downtown area projects that are on the back burner — AVA, 1 Hotel, Martin and Stewart and…
More on Heron & Pagoda Towers

More preliminary renderings of the Heron and Pagoda Tower project in downtown Seattle. Just based on the scale of the project (1.2 million square feet, $900 million) and striking architecture, this has got to rate as the most exciting development Seattle will experience. The project will consist of two 43-story towers (550′), up to 200…