Seattle Community Info
Downtown Weekend Happenings
Bite of Seattle & Expo 62 The Bite of Seattle kicks off today at the Seattle Center and will run through Sunday, July 22nd. The Bite features food samples from 50 local restaurants along with music & comedy entertainment. The folks at Expo 62 invite bite-goers to drop by the Expo 62 sales center for…
SCL’s Play Doh Challenge

As previously mentioned, the John L. Scott Foundation on behalf of the Seattle Children’s Hospital is sponsoring a Play Doh drive. Due to the serious illnesses and compromised immune system that many children at the Children’s Hospital have, a jar of Play Doh can only be played with once. As a result, the hospital goes…
Play Doh Drive for Children’s Hospital

The Seattle Children’s Hospital is conducting a drive for Play Doh. The hospital goes through more than 2,000 jars of Play Doh every year. Due to the serious illnesses and compromised immune system that many of the children have, a jar of Play Doh can only be used once. And, thus, it’s a considerable expense…